Aluminum alloy twisted flexible cable for wind power generation

1.Product standards


2.Product characteristics and scope of application

Good flexibility, small bending radius, oil resistance, low temperature resistance, torsion resistance, sunlight resistance, light weight cable, convenient installation, can be installed and used outdoors in different climate conditions.It can also adapt to dry, humid indoor working environment, with long life, high cost performance; Transmission of power from generator stator (or rotor) to base AC in engine room with rated voltage up to 1.8/3kv.

3.Product parameters

Rated voltageU0/U:450/750V、0.61/1KV、1.8/3KV;

Ambient temperature:-40℃-90℃(suitable for cold areas)

The maximum temperature of the cable during short circuit ((the longest duration does not exceed 5S) is 250℃

Minimum bending radius: 6D (D is the diameter of the cable)

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Aluminum alloy twisted flexible cable for wind power generation Details

Model and Name

Model Rated voltage Name
FDAAEF-25(-40) 450/750V
Aluminum alloy core ethylene propylene rubber insulation neoprene rubber sheathed for wind power generation (cold resistance) twisting resistant flexible cable
FDAAES-25(-40) Aluminum alloy core ethylene propylene rubber insulated thermoplastic elastomer sheathed (cold resistant) twisted flexible cable for wind power generation
FDAAGG-40(-55) Aluminium alloy core, silicone rubber insulation, silicone rubber sheath, cold-resistant (hard plug-resistant) twist-resistant flexible cable for wind power generation
FDAAGU-40(-55) Aluminum alloy core silicone rubber insulation polyurethane elastomer sheath cold-resistant (hard plug-resistant) twist-resistant flexible cable for wind power generation
FDAAEU-40(-55) Aluminum alloy core ethylene propylene rubber insulation polyurethane elastomer sheath cold-resistant (severe cold-resistant) twist-resistant flexible cable for wind power generation
FDAAEG-40(-55) Aluminum alloy core ethylene propylene rubber insulation silicon rubber amine sheath cold-resistant (hard plug-resistant) twist-resistant flexible cable for wind power generation
FDAAEH-25(-40) Aluminum alloy core ethylene propylene rubber insulation chlorosulfonated polyethylene rubber sheath wind power generation (cold-resistant) twist-resistant flexible cable
FDAAES-25(-40) Aluminum alloy core ethylene propylene rubber insulated thermoplastic elastomer sheathed (cold-resistant) twist-resistant flexible cable for wind power generation


Product specifications

Model Rated voltage Number of cores Nominal area of conductor
FDAAEF 450/750V
FDAAES 10-35
FDAAGG 10-300
FDAAGU 3+1 16-185
FDAAEU 10-300
FDAAEG 10-35
FDAAEH 1.8/3KV 16-400
FDAAES 16-300


Main technical parameters (with rated voltage of 450/750V and 0.6/1KV)

Outer diameter of cable mm Safe current carrying capacity at ambient temperature (A) Reference weight kg/km
1X10 9.5-11.9 8.3-10.5 63  159  116 
1X16 10.8-13.4 9.5-11.7 85  201  146 
1X25 12.7-15.8 11.4-14.1 116  278  211 
1X35 14.3-17.9 12.7-16.0 135  349  260 
1X50 16.5-20.6 14.8-18.4 171  445  338 
1X70 18.6-23.3 16.6-20.9 200  574  440 
1X95 20.8-26.0 18.8-23.6 232  737  580 
1X120 22.8-28.6 20.8-26.3 272  887  702 
1X150 25.2-31.4 23.1-28.9 330  1065  850 
1X185 27.6-34.4 25.2-31.7 388  1294  1038 
1X240 30.6-38.3 28.2-35.6 449  1581  1294 
1X300 33.5-41.9 31.1-39.2 512  1994  1647 
1X400 37.4-46.8 34.9-43.8 610  2345  1959 
2X10 17.7-22.6 15.6-19.9 63  489  344 
2X16 20.2-25.7 17.9-22.8 86  625  446 
2X25 24.3-30.7 21.8-27.6 115  896  652 
2X35 24.0-30.0 22.0-28.0 150  1090  818 
2X50 28.0-36.0 26.2-33.6 185  1385  1028 
3X10 19.1-24.2 16.8-21.4 54  584  417 
3X16 21.8-27.6 19.5-24.7 75  748  551 
3X25 26.1-33.0 23.6-29.9 101  1071  809 
3X35 29.3-37.1 26.5-33.8 127  1319  1004 
3X50 33.1-42.9 30.9-39.2 158  1725  1295 
3X70 38.4-48.3 35.1-44.0 190  2211  1714 
3X95 43.3-54.0 39.6-49.7 227  2896  2244 
3X120 47.4-60.0 43.4-55.5 250  3448  2714 
3X150 52.0-66.0 47.6-61.1 300  4151  274 
3X185 57.0-72.0 52.2-66.7 348  5067  4015 
3X240 65.0-82.0 59.8-76.2 400  6371  5085 
3X300 72.0-90.0 66.3-83.6 456  8507  6549 
4X10 20.9-26.5 18.6-23.6 46  701  515 
4X16 23.8-30.1 21.3-27.0 64  907  681 
4X25 28.9-36.6 26.1-37.2 86  1325  1012 
4X35 32.5-41.1 29.3-37.2 108  1659  1243 
4X50 37.7-47.5 34.4-43.5 136  2126  1644 
4X70 42.7-54.0 39.0-49.5 160  2776  2145 
4X95 48.4-61.0 44.0-55.9 188  3652  2849 
4X120 53.0-66.0 48.6-60.9 212  4280  3395 
4X150 58.0-73.0 53.2-67.5 256  5181  4122 
4X185 64.0-80.0 58.8-74.3 294  6356  5082 
4X240 72.0-91.0 66.3-84.7 340  7973  6399 
4X300 80.0-101.0 73.6-94.0 392  10280  8255 
5X10 22.9-29.1 20.4-26.0 46  849  623 
5X16 26.4-33.3 23.7-30.2 64  1105  830 
5X25 32.0-40.4 28.8-36.8 86  1638  1227 
5X35 32.0-40.0 29.0-36.5 108  2031  1560 
5X50 37.0-47.0 35.6-43.2 136  2528  1978 
3X10+1X6 20.9-26.5 18.5-23.8 38  671  492 
3X16+1X10 23.5-29.6 21.1-26.8 52  884  665 
3X25+1X16 27.9-35.6 25.1-32.4 70  1255  959 
3X35+1X16 31.0-40.1 28.1-36.6 92  1501  1153 
3X50+1X25 35.7-46.0 32.4-42.1 115  2016  1556 
3X70+1X35 40.7-52.0 37.1-47.9 134  2541  1994 
3X95+1X50 46.4-59.0 42.4-54.5 156  3323  2628 
3X120+1X70 50.0-64.0 45.9-59.3 175  4007  3199 
3X150+1X70 55.0-70.0 50.5-64.9 218  4734  3776 
3X185+1X95 60.0-76.0 55.0-70.5 255  5858  4700 


Technical parameters (with rated voltage 1.8/3KV)

Outer diameter of cable mm Safe current carrying capacity at ambient temperature A Reference weight kg/km
1X10 11.3-13.7 10.1-12.3 63  189  161 
1X16 12.6-15.2 11.3-13.5 86  234  197 
1X25 14.3-17.4 13.0-15.6 116  310  264 
1X35 15.9-19.5 14.3-17.5 135  376  322 
1X50 17.7-21.8 16.0-19.6 171  454  388 
1X70 19.8-24.5 17.8-22.1 200  579  496 
1X95 22.0-27.2 20.0-24.8 232  737  644 
1X120 24.0-29.8 22.0-27.4 272  881  773 
1X150 26.4-32.6 24.3-30.0 330  1052  928 
1X185 28.4-35.2 26.0-32.5 388  1242  1094 
1X240 31.4-39.1 29.0-36.5 449  1540  1357 
1X300 33.9-42.3 31.5-39.5 512  1871  1684 
1X400 37.8-47.2 35.3-44.3 610  2209  1997 
3X10 23.0-28.1 20.6-25.2 54  711  591 
3X16 25.7-31.5 23.3-28.6 75  884  754 
3X25 29.6-36.5 27.1-33.5 101  1183  1018 
3X35 32.8-40.6 30.0-37.5 127  1454  1237 
3X50 36.7-45.5 33.5-42.0 158  1758  1511 
3X70 41.0-50.9 37.7-47.2 190  2250  1937 
3X95 45.9-56.6 42.2-52.5 227  2890  2515 
3X120 50.0-62.6 46.0-58.3 250  3423  2992 
3X150 54.6-68.6 50.2-63.9 300  4097  3578 
3X185 58.7-73.7 53.9-68.8 348  4856  4238 
3X240 66.7-83.7 54.6-78.2 400  6083  5335 


Main electrical performance test of cable

a.The DC resistance value of the conductor of the finished cable at 20°C should not be greater than the value specified in GB/T 3956

b. The insulation resistance of the finished cable should meet the requirements of the following table

Rated voltage Nominal sectional area of conductor
Insulation resistance at 20°C
Insulation resistance at rated operating temperature
35&below 150 0.15 
50-150 100 0.10 
185-400 80 0.08 
1.8/3KV 35 and below 250 0.25 
50-150 200 0.20 
185-400 150 0.15 

c. Power frequency withstand voltage test


The finished cable shall be able to withstand the power frequency voltage test specified in the table without breakdown

Rated voltage Test voltage
Pressure time
450/750V 2.5 5
0.6/1KV 3.5
1.8/3KV 6.5


Rated voltage 8.7/10KV, 26/35kV ethylene and propylene insulated power cable for wind power generation

Purpose of cable: power transmission from generator stator (or rotor) to tower base AC in engine room


Model and name of cable

The names and models of power cables with rated voltage of 8.7/10kV and 26/35kV are shown in the table below
Model Rated voltage Name
Twisted flexible cable with aluminum alloy core ethyl-propylene insulated thermosetting elastomer sheathed for wind power generation
FDAAES Twisted flexible cable with aluminum alloy core ethyl-propylene insulated thermoplastic elastomer sheathed for wind power generation
FDAAEU Twisted flexible cable with aluminum alloy core ethyl-propylene insulated polyurethane sheathed for wind power generation


Specification of cable

Model Rated voltage Core qty Nominal cross-sectional area mm²
FDAAEH 8.7/10 35-240
FDAAEH 26/35 25-95


Cable usage characteristics

The maximum long-term allowable working temperature of the conductor: 90℃

The minimum working temperature of the cable: -40 ℃ (suitable for cold areas)

The maximum temperature of the cable during short circuit ((the longest duration does not exceed 5S) is 250℃

Minimum bending radius: soft conductor: 6D, hard conductor: 7D (D is the diameter of the cable)

Allowable tension load of cable conductor; 15N/mm²

The cable has the characteristics of torsion resistance (part of the cable), oil resistance, humidity and heat resistance (part of the conductor), UV resistance, ozone resistance, etc.


Main technical parameters of the cable

Model Rated voltage
Specification Insulation thickness mm Reference outside diameter of cable mm Current-carrying capacity of the cable when the ambient temperature is 30℃ (A, reference)
8.7/10 1X35 4.5 30.2-39.0 132
1X50 4.5 32.0-41.0 194
1X70 4.5 34.0-43.5 233
1X95 4.5 35.5-45.8 263
1X120 4.5 37.0-47.5 290
1X150 4.5 40.0-50.0 352
1X185 4.5 40.5-52.0 410
1X240 4.5 43.0-55.0 466
26/35 3X25+3X10 10.5 80.6-86.4 100
3X35+3X10 10.5 83.3-89.3 127
3X50+3X16 10.5 57.5-94.0 158
3X70+3X16 10.5 91.5-98.6 192
3X95+3X16 10.5 96.0-105.4 230


The finished cable shall be able to withstand the power frequency voltage test specified in the table without breakdown

Rated voltage Test voltage
Pressure time
8.7/10KV 30.5 5
26/35KV 91(3.5UO)
65(2.5UO) 30

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